Ep 484: How To Sell Your DTC Business For So Much Money, You Think You're Doing Something Illegal with Chris Shipferling, GW Partners

In this episode, Jordan West and Chris Shipferlink, GW Partners  dives into the importance of data analysis, acquisition channels, and unit economics. They also emphasizes the significance of having a strong brand promise and story, as well as intellectual property to assure buyers and increase the value of your business. Chris shares real-life examples and practical tips on finding the right team members, optimizing your supply chain, and building strategic relationships with suppliers. If you're looking to maximize the value of your business and understand your exit plan, this episode is a must-listen.

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Ep 479: How to Cut your Inventory by 75% in DTC with Izzy Rosenzweig, Portless

Drop shipping doesn't have to be a dirty word! Control your brand experience, choose reliable suppliers, and prioritize product quality. You can redefine drop shipping and build a successful ecommerce business. 

In this episode, Jordan West and Izzy Rosensweig, Portless emphasizes the crucial role that quality plays in building a brand. Drawing from Izzy’s personal experience growing up during the transition from the 1980s, he highlights the importance of staying ahead of the curve or going niche to avoid being left behind. They delve into the illogicality of using a 1980 supply chain for a digital business, questioning the need for physical products on shelves, and advocating for efficient transportation methods that bring products closer to customers.

Listen and learn in this episode!

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Ep 475: The 80/20 Rule of Ecommerce: How Focusing on Checkout Can Transform Your Business With Avi Moskowitz, Pretty Damn Quick

The critical issue of trust leakage. We're all guilty of focusing too much on acquiring new customers but neglecting customer retention. Providing clear delivery promises to your customers during the buying process is so important.

In this episode, Jordan West sits down with guest Avi Moskowitz to discuss the challenges of building trust and improving customer experience in the e-commerce industry. Avi shares his insights and experiences in utilizing the PDQ platform to address these issues. 

Listen and learn in this episode!

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Ep 474: The Truth About Attribution and Incrementality: Expert Insights from Michael Kaminsky

The conversation highlights the need for brands to understand the true impact of their efforts, while also advocating for skepticism in marketing measurement.We also have valuable tips on optimizing channels through testing and relying on a brilliant team for successful scaling.

In this episode, Jordan West interviews Michael Kaminsky who shares his insights on measuring incrementality in branded search spending, conducting geo holdout tests, and the importance of building a testing muscle to inform marketing strategies.

Listen and learn in this episode!

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