Ep 488: What the top 1% of DTC Brands know that you don't... YET!

Imagine getting insights from some of the brightest minds in the industry! The experts have dived deep into topics like email marketing, engaging customers, and making the most out of data to boost your profits.

In today's episode, Jordan West will share with you all the valuable lessons he learned at the Ecommerce Round Table event hosted by Sendlane. Let me tell you, this event was a game-changer in the world of DTC (Direct-to-Consumer). Jordan's going to break down the key lessons that can supercharge your brand or agency. We're talking about everything from maximizing your data for bigger profits to the magic of interactive email content. There's a whole world of wisdom waiting for you!

Listen and learn in this episode!

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Ep 480: How To Get The Biggest Name In Modern Media To Support Your Brand with Mark Ritz, Carnivore Snax

With examples ranging from his own collaboration with influential figures to the impact of Joe Rogan's endorsement, Mark highlights how these strategic partnerships can lead to exponential growth. Curious where the next opportunities for leverage lie? Mark provides thought-provoking insights that will transform your approach to scaling your brand.

In this episode, Jordan West and Mark Ritz, co-founder and CEO of Carnivore Snax delve into the strategy of being different and engaging with customers in the ever-evolving e-commerce space. From implementing email marketing to innovative advertising techniques, Mark shares valuable insights that will help you captivate your target audience and create a loyal customer base.

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